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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

EAL Intent:

The Piggott School is committed to being an inclusive environment where we offer EAL children the very highest quality of education. We reflect and celebrate the diverse backgrounds and cultures that make up our school community and support families who come to live in our local area.

Research and Pedagogy to inform best practice:

All teachers and staff support EAL students through ‘quality first inclusive teaching’. We also have a dedicated team who oversee the academic and enrichment provision for EAL students:

Sarah Parsons – Acting Assistant Head and lead for EAL

Aditi Shah – EAL Coordinator and LSA

Ben Lau- EAL Club Co-leader and Associate Teacher 

Lana Theodoulou - Reading Mentor

We work closely with a range of providers and organisations to develop our provision for EAL students, these include:

EAL Programme:

The provision for EAL students varies year on year in response to the profile and needs of students. Below is a summary of the provision which coincides with quality first inclusive teaching.

     • 1:1 and small group support in lessons as appropriate from our EAL LSA

     • Flash Academy for assessment and resources for EAL students

     • Extra reading sessions with the reading mentor

     • Wokingham LA led interventions for students including the ‘Racing to English’ programme

     • Sixth Form mentoring for EAL students (TEFL trained)

     • EAL after school club running 4 days a week

     • Parental support information when EAL families join us and meet the pastoral team

     • Staff CPD from EAL team within the Piggott School and from Wokingham LA                                                  and Wokingham Standards and Learning Alliance            

Impact of EAL Provision:

Academic attainment and progress: Our 2023 data shows that the Key Stage 4 Progress 8 score for EAL students was +0.75, significantly above national average. For EAL-identified students in Year 13, 83% gained grades A*-C and 33% A*-A. 

All EAL students at the school have same school experience as their peers. For example, careers provision and access to co-curricular offers.

Over 15 EAL students a week attend EAL club.

If you have any questions regarding our EAL provision at the Piggott School, please contact:  Sarah Parsons - Acting Assistant Headteacher -

“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible ”  Mahatma Gandhi